Monday, April 4, 2016

What was I doing? before there was prepping and homesteading?

  What did you call what I was doing in the 80's and 90's?  It  looked a lot like prepping and homesteading.  I didn't know what prepping was.  I had never heard of homesteading.  I was  just living life the only way I knew.
I began to homeschool my oldest daughter in the early 80's.  I continued to homeschool all 5 on my children from birth through high school.  No one could understand why I didn't send my children to school. They criticized and tried to convince me how wrong I was to deprive my children of the interaction with other children. It was funny that my house was always filled with kids from the neighborhood or church.  My children went on field trips, took piano lessons, participated in plays, sang in groups, and grew up just like all other children.  They interacted with other children as well as lots of adults on a daily basis.
I started to study herbs.  I was interested in the medicinal properties of the plants.  As I became comfortable with my body and how it worked, I decided to have my 3rd child at home.  Then  a 4th and 5th child was born at home. This was something no sane person would do, there are hospitals for that! I was considered a different kind of person.  No one had a name for what I was doing. 
I had a garden.  I canned food. When 1999 came, we started to store food, water, and emergency supplies.  I tried to think of every possible scenario and prepare for it. No one ever called me a prepper.
I went from a 2000 square foot house to a house that was less than 1000 square foot.  There were 7 of us living in 2 bedrooms and with one bath.  I never thought of it as a tiny home. 
What I was doing in the 80's and 90's was called living.  That is the way life was for us.  It seems funny to me now that people are living in tiny homes, learning about herbs, gardens, canning, homeschooling, home births and prepping.  I couldn't get anyone on board back then.  Now everyone is doing it.  Is it a fad or a way of life?  Whatever you call it, homesteading, farming, canning, prepping, I am still living the life. Now I call it homesteading!

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